I’m Kirsten…
I’m a wifey, photographer/entrepreneur (a true entrepreneur at heart) and a mom who had 5 kids in less than 8 years. I’m a born and raised Texan girl, I love everything Apple products, audio book lover, enjoy working out, and I’m becoming a major foodie since marrying my husband in 2015.
I’m Mikaela…
I married my high school sweetheart, and have 3 beautiful kids and one on the way. I’m a true extrovert, and LOVE getting to know people and building meaningful friendships. Working out is an outlet to not only take care of myself, but also it helps me be my best I can be for my husband, kiddos, and for me.
Kirsten + Mikaela
We’ve been best friends since 2007, and we’ve had our ups and downs, but almost 20 years later, here we are, married a set of bothers and are sister-in-laws, raising our babies together, and started a podcast! The Lil Mama That Could started off as a spin off idea from The Little Engine That Could. We as moms do so much, and sometimes it can feel heavy, but ultimately, we are all The Lil Mama That Could.